What's the type of glass containers for pharmaceutical use?

Type I glass containers (Middle Borosilicate glass)

It is chemically inert and possess high hydrolytic resistant due to the presence of boric oxide. It has the lowest coefficient of expansion and so has high thermal shock properties.


Uses of Type I glass containers

Type I glass is suitable as packaging material for most preparations whether parenteral or non-parenteral.

They can also be used to contain strong acids and alkalis


Type II glass containers (soda-lime-silica glass/ treated soda-lime glass/ De alkalized soda lime glass)

This is a modified type of Type III glass container with a high hydrolytic resistance resulting from suitable treatment of the inner surface of a type III glass with sulfur. This is done to remove leachable oxides and thus prevents blooming/weathering from bottles. Type II glass has lower melting point when compared to Type I glass and so easier to mould.

Uses of Type II glass containers

They are suitable for most acidic and neutral aqueous preparations whether parenteral or non-parenteral.

Type III glass containers (Regular soda lime glass)

This is an untreated soda lime glass with average chemical resistance. It contains 75% silica, 15% sodium oxide, 10% calcium oxide, small amounts of aluminium oxide, magnesium oxide, and potassium oxide. Aluminium oxide impacts chemical durability while magnesium oxide reduces the temperature required during moulding.

Uses of Type III glass containers   They are used as packaging material for parenteral products or  powders for parenteral use ONLY WHERE there is suitable stability test data indicating that Type III glass is satisfactory.   They used in packaging non-aqueous preparations and powders for parenteral use with the exception of freeze-dried preparations   It is also used in packaging non-parenteral preparations.


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